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 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 31 Ene 2020 15:04 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Robindro Shaunkor Chowdhury (Ravi Shankar) (1920-2012) Nació en la ciudad santa de Varanasi junto al Gangesen (India), en el seno de una familia de brahmanes, la casta más alta en la sociedad hindú. Su padre fue maestro del violín, Shankar se inicia en el aprendizaje de ese instrumento cuando tenía 5 años. En su infancia bailó en la compañía de su hermano, el bailarín y coreógrafo Uday Shankar. En 1936 comenzó estudios de sitar, instrumento tradicional indio, bajo la dirección de Ustad Allaudin Khan. La gran influencia que éste desarrollo sobre él se puede apreciar en su estilo inventivo y en sus ritmos asimétricos y poco frecuentes. Durante su trabajo en la All-India Radio, compuso numerosas melodías para la radio y para películas como, Pather Panchali (El lamento del sendero, 1955, Stayajit Ray) y Gandhi (1981, Richard Attenborough). Además escribió ballets basados en textos del escritor y filósofo indio Rabindranath Tagore. Sus giras por Europa y Estados Unidos entre 1956 y 1957 contribuyeron a despertar el interés por la música india en Occidente. En la década de 1960 Shankar introdujo en la música india al grupo británico The Beatles y actuó con el violinista británico Yehudi Menuhin. Ravi Shankar fue considerado como uno de los más queridos embajadores musicales de India y un fenómeno singular en los mundos de música clásica de este y el oeste.

Como compositor ha escrito dos conciertos para citarra y orquesta, música para el virtuoso de la flauta Jean-Pierre Rampal, y música para Hosan Yamamoto, master del Shakuhachi. Shankar ha colaborado con Philip Glass (Passages), y George Harrison produjo y participó en dos de sus álbumes (Shankar Family & Friends y Festival of India). Miembro del United Nations International Rostrum of composers. En 1976 comenzó su colaboración con el guitarrista John McLaughlin, con el que fundó el grupo Shakti. Es el padre de la cantante estadounidense Norah Jones y la sitarista Anoushka Shankar. Protagonizó la película "Raga", centrada en su vida y en 1978 publicó el libro autobiográfico "My life, my music". Su primer matrimonio con la hija de su maestro Ustad Allauddin Khan, Annapurna, terminó en divorcio en 1982 tras años de separación en los que mantuvo relaciones sentimentales con Kamala Chakravarty y también con Sue Jones, madre de la que sería su hija Norah Jones. En 1989 se casa con Sukanya Rajan con la que vivió entre San Diego y Nueva Delhi. Ravi Shankar falleció el 11 de diciembre de 2012, a los 92 años, en un hospital de San Diego, Estados Unidos, donde había sido ingresado para someterse a una operación. Había sufrido problemas cardíacos y respiratorios por lo que se sometió a una cirugía para reemplazar una válvula del corazón en el hospital donde falleció. A pesar de sus dolencias continuó actuando y realizó su último concierto el 4 de noviembre en Long Beach, en el condado de Los Ángeles.


Sukanya, ópera en dos actos (2012). Fragmento.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 07 Feb 2020 20:32 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Jan Stefani (ca 1747-1829) Nació en Praga. Stefani trabajó como maestro de capilla en su ciudad natal, y más tarde se convirtió en violinista de la Wiener Hoforchester. En 1771 fue concertino del último rey polaco Stanislau II. August. Después de la abdicación de Stanislau en 1795 se convirtió en maestro de capilla de la Opera de Varsovia. Compuso oratorios, misas, así como once óperas, de las cuales la primera Cud mniemany, czyli Krakowiacy i Górale fue representada más de doscientas veces.


Cud mniemany, czyli Krakowiacy i Górale, ópera en dos actos (1794). Fragmento.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 14 Feb 2020 20:47 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Joseph Joachim Raff (1822-1882) Raff was born in Lachen in Switzerland. His father, a teacher, had fled there from Württemberg in 1810 to escape forced recruitment into the military of that southwestern German state that had to fight for Napoleon in Russia. Joachim was largely self-taught in music, studying the subject while working as a schoolmaster in Schmerikon, Schwyz and Rapperswil. He sent some of his piano compositions to Felix Mendelssohn who recommended them to Breitkopf & Härtel for publication. They were published in 1844 and received a favourable review in Robert Schumann's journal, the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, which prompted Raff to go to Zürich and take up composition full-time. In 1845, Raff walked to Basel to hear Franz Liszt play the piano. After a period in Stuttgart where he became friends with the conductor Hans von Bülow, he worked as Liszt's assistant at Weimar from 1850 to 1853. During this time he helped Liszt in the orchestration of several of his works, claiming to have had a major part in orchestrating the symphonic poem Tasso. In 1851, Raff's opera König Alfred was staged in Weimar, and five years later he moved to Wiesbaden where he largely devoted himself to composition. From 1878 he was the first Director of, and a teacher at, the Hoch Conservatory in Frankfurt. There he employed Clara Schumann and a number of other eminent musicians as teachers, and established a class specifically for female composers. (This was at a time when women composers were not taken very seriously.) His pupils there included Edward MacDowell and Alexander Ritter.


Benedetto Marcello, ópera lírica en tres actos (1877-1878). Fragmento.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 21 Feb 2020 16:44 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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John Cage (1912-1992) Nació en Los Ángeles, hijo de un ingeniero inventor de aparatos electrónicos y submarinos, ingresó en la Universidad de Pomona (California), y cursó luego en Europa estudios de arquitectura y piano. John Cage desarrolló muy pronto una tranquila pero tenaz voluntad de experimentación aplicada, en particular, a la música, pero en un campo más amplio de exploración sobre el lenguaje. Fue fundamental su experiencia de aprendizaje con Arnold Schönberg, que lo convirtió en seguida en un compositor radical, inventor de una música vivida como "agregación de sonidos" y, por lo tanto, también de "silencios", definidos como "sonidos inaudibles". En su producción musical, Cage se sitúa más allá de cualquier categoría preestablecida, incluida la dodecafonía. Tras haber traspasado todas las barreras armónicas, su uso tan heterodoxo de los instrumentos tradicionales le llevó al descubrimiento de sonoridades inéditas. En este ámbito se encuentra la idea del "prepared piano" (1938), que consiste en la creación de sonoridades inesperadas colocando entre las cuerdas de un piano tradicional objetos desacralizantes como tuercas y tornillos. La adopción del silencio como parte integrante de la partitura musical -es célebre en este aspecto su 4'33'' (1952), que deja penetrar en sus 4 minutos y 33 segundos de silencio los sonidos ambientales- consagró ya en su época a Cage a la vanguardia musical.

Pero otros aspectos relevantes de su poética le hicieron merecedor de un lugar destacado en el mundo de la filosofía contemporánea: por ejemplo, la adopción del "alea", o composición mediante operaciones casuales ("alea operations"). Con el uso del "alea", y negando al autor cualquier cualidad demiúrgica, Cage consagra definitivamente el fin de toda ideología y ratifica la afirmación de la estética posmoderna. En este sentido se sitúa HPSCHD, de 1968, obra para clavicémbalo y ordenador programado según el "libro de las mutaciones" chino I-Ching. A lo largo de su dilatada carrera, Cage influyó en la obra y en la poética de innumerables artistas e intelectuales, convirtiéndose él mismo en principal referencia de la vanguardia estadounidense y, en general, de la estética contemporánea. Su colaboración con Merce Cunningham, que se remonta a 1942, y el trabajo teórico sobre sonido y movimiento, la colaboración con artistas visuales como R. Rauschenberg y J. Johns, la experiencia (1948-1950) con los poetas de la Black Mountain (Charles Olson, Denise Levertov, Robert Creeley), la intensa amistad con Marcel Duchamp, su maestro de ajedrez, y los seminarios de Darmstadt (1958), constituyen piezas importantes del mosaico-Cage.

El marco filosófico sobre el que éstas se amalgaman es la doctrina Zen, en la que Cage profundizó entre 1945 y 1946 gracias a D. T. Suzuki y que enseguida adoptó como tranquilizante ideología para contraponerla al narcisismo de la cultura occidental. La actitud de "escucha" silenciosa de la naturaleza -de la cual también la tecnología entra a formar parte- constituye el terreno epistemológico de base sobre el que Cage construye sus obras; desde las primeras partituras para percusión de los años treinta hasta Branches (1976), para materiales vegetales amplificados, y al proyecto de sonorización de Montestella d'Ivrea: The Park Amplified Project (1979). Y como si se tratara de un epistemólogo empeñado en el estudio global del lenguaje, Cage registra también la realidad que lo envuelve, transformándola no sólo en partituras musicales, sino en libros de ensayos y anécdotas como Silence (1962) y A year from Monday (1967). O en diarios, como Diary: How to improve the world (1965). O transformándola en "partituras verbales", es decir, reescrituras (mediante "chance operations"), de las obras del transcendentalista Henry David Thoreau -el hombre de los bosques-, o del Finnegan's Wake de James Joyce, o simplemente de nombres de hongos como Mushroom et Variationes (1984). Otras veces, transformando esta realidad en aguafuertes e incisiones, extraídas como siempre de manera "casual" de los bocetos de Henry David Thoreau. Estos aspectos múltiples de la poética de Cage se influyen siempre los unos a los otros, para formar parte de la búsqueda incesante de este refinado ingeniero de la sonoridad. Cabe citar también sus obras Estudios australes y Sonatas y estudios para piano preparado.

Biografías y vidas

Europera 3, ópera (1990). Comienzo.

Europera 4, ópera (1990). Comienzo.


Europera 5, ópera (1991). Comienzo.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 28 Feb 2020 20:08 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Fray Esteban Ponce de León (1692-175?) Escasos datos se conocen sobre la vida de Fray Esteban Ponce de León, el monje agustino que firma algunas de sus obras con el título de “Lector Jubilado”. El 20 de julio de 1713 la Orden de San Agustín celebró un Capítulo Provincial en Lima, al cual concurrieron representantes del Cuzco y de varias otras provincias que la Orden mantenía en Chuquisaca, Trujillo, Potosí, La Paz, Cochabamba, Oruro, Copacabana y Cañete. De los trece cargos destinados a la Casa del Cuzco, que estaba a cargo del Prior P. Juan Crisóstomo Roldan, el último de ellos fue para Fray Stephanum Ponce de León. Cuatro años transcurrieron hasta el próximo Capítulo celebrado el 20 de julio de 1717, donde figura décimo en la lista de trece cargos ejerciendo la función de “In Lectorem Theologiae Moralis: P. L. Fr. Estephanum Ponze de Leon”. Si se considera que para llegar a ser profesor de Teología Moral un candidato debía haber finalizado la carrera sacerdotal, Ponce de León tendría unos veinticinco años en 1717 y, por lo tanto, puede haber nacido hacia 1692. En 1721 todavía conservaba su cargo, esta vez octavo entre once puestos, hasta que, pasados otros cuatro años, en 1725, su nombre desaparece de las actas quedando sólo el de sus hermanos Paulo, Prior de Lima ese año y Provincial General de la Orden de 1746 a 1750, y Juan José Ponce de León, Provincial desde 1738 a 1742 y Doctor en Teología en la Real Universidad de San Marcos. El nombre de Fray Esteban reaparece en Cuzco recién el año 1738, esta vez como compositor de música religiosa y dramática y, más tarde, como maestro de capilla de la Catedral. En sólo las dos obras dramáticas de 1750 se menciona a este compositor como “Lector Jubilado” y como maestro de capilla de la Catedral de Cuzco, por lo que se cree que Fray Esteban pudo haber jubilado ese mismo año, luego de más de treinta años de trabajo docente, para ser nombrado de inmediato en el puesto de maestro de capilla.


Venid, venid Deidades, ópera-serenata (1749). Aria: Luego a mi toca el blasón.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 06 Mar 2020 20:21 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Lei Liang (*1972) is a Chinese-born American composer whose works have been described as “hauntingly beautiful and sonically colorful” by The New York Times, and as “far, far out of the ordinary, brilliantly original and inarguably gorgeous” by The Washington Post. Winner of the 2011 Rome Prize, Lei Liang is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, an Aaron Copland Award, a Koussevitzky Music Foundation Commission and a Creative Capital Award. His concerto Xiaoxiang (for saxophone and orchestra) was named a finalist for the 2015 Pulitzer Prize in Music. His orchestral work, A Thousand Mountains, A Million Streams, won the 2020 Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition. Lei Liang was commissioned by the New York Philharmonic for the inaugural concert of the CONTACT! new music series. Other commissions and performances come from the Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Boston Modern Orchestra Project, Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, the Heidelberger Philharmonisches Orchester, the Thailand Philharmonic, pipa virtuoso Wu Man, the Fromm Music Foundation, Meet the Composer, Chamber Music America, the National Endowment for the Arts, MAP Fund, Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust, the Manhattan Sinfonietta, Arditti Quartet, Shanghai Quartet, the Scharoun Ensemble of the Berlin Philharmonic, San Francisco Contemporary Music Players, New York New Music Ensemble and Boston Musica Viva. Lei Liang’s seven portrait discs are released on Naxos, Mode, New World, BMOP/sound, Encounter and Bridge Records, along with more than a dozen compilation discs. As a scholar and conservationist of cultural traditions, he served as editor and co-editor of four books, and published more than twenty articles.

Rose, ópera de cámara (2012).



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 14 Mar 2020 13:07 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Rinaldo di [da] Capua (c1705- c1780) He was born in Capua or Naples. Rinaldo made his career in Rome, where he presented his first known opera, Ciro riconosciuto, in 1737. The satirical opera La commedia in commedia was so outstanding a success at the Teatro Valle the following year that it was repeated in Florence (1741), London (1748), Venice (1749) and Munich (1749), and various versions of it were staged under other titles elsewhere. His most celebrated opera seria was Vologeso, re de' Parti, first performed in 1739. La libertà nociva (1740) enhanced his reputation as a composer of comic opera and, like La commedia, was repeated in various European cities. On 18 March 1740 Rinaldo set out for Lisbon, where he had a contract for 1000 scudi per annum; he composed three opere serie there but was back in Rome by 1742. Eustachio Bambini's company of Italian bouffons performed La donna superba (an abridged setting of La commedia in commedia) in Paris in 1752 and La zingara in 1753. The latter was extraordinarily successful; there were innumerable revivals and it played an important part in the Querelle des Bouffons. Rinaldo's last opera seria, Adriano in Siria, was performed in 1758. From then on he wrote only comic operas, and those infrequently. According to Dent, the last of them, La Giocondina (1778), was performed posthumously.


La Zingara, intermezzo (1753). Aria: Che orror! Che spavento! Finale: E di nuovo ogni tamburo.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 20 Mar 2020 19:49 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Alois Bröder (*1961) He was born in Darmstadt.

musical lessons with Otto Laufner (Georg-Büchner-Schule Darmstadt)

first guitar lessons with Cord Meijering

guitar studies with Olaf Van Gonnissen (Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt)

private composition studies with Cord Meijering and Dietrich Boekle

composition studies with Toni Völker (Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt)

composition studies with Manfred Trojahn (Robert-Schumann-Hochschule Düsseldorf)

studies of electronic composition with Hans Ulrich Humpert (Hochschule für Musik Köln)

Die Frauen der Toten, ópera en dos versiones (2008-2010). Epilogue: Der heimgesuchte Geist.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 29 Mar 2020 8:37 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Johann Adam Joseph Karl Georg von Reutter (1708-1772) He was born and died in Vienna. His father Georg Reutter (the Elder) was also a notable composer. He was the 11th of 14 children and received his early musical training from his father, assisting him as court organist. A period of more formal instruction from Antonio Caldara ensued, leading to the composition of an oratorio in 1726 and, in 1727, his first opera for the imperial court, Archidamia. On three separate occasions during this period, Reutter applied for a position as court organist and was each time rejected by Johann Joseph Fux. At his own expense he travelled to Italy in 1730 (possibly in 1729); in February 1730 he was in Venice and in April 1730 in Rome. He returned to Vienna in autumn 1730, and early in the following year he successfully applied for a post as court composer, the formal beginning of a lifetime of service at the Habsburg court. After his father's death he became Kapellmeister of St. Stephen's Cathedral in 1738.


Archidamia, festa teatrale (1727). Aria: Dura legge.

Alcide transformato in Dio, dramma per musica (1729). Aria: Soletto al mio caro.

La Magnanimita di Alessandro, ópera (1729). Aria: Venga l'eta.

Alessandro il grande, festa di musica (1732). Aria: Dal nostro nuovo aspetto.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 04 Abr 2020 19:47 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Murray Harold Blumenfeld (1923-2014) Blumenfeld was born in Seattle, Washington, to Herman and Margaret "Peg" Blumenfeld. He was the eldest of three children. His family traveled widely, especially during the Depression, when his father sought work in retail. Near the end of his high school years, the family settled in St. Louis. Blumenfeld was educated at the Eastman School of Music (1941–1943), where he studied with Bernard Rogers, but his studies there were interrupted by World War II. He later earned the Bachelor of Music degree at Yale University in 1948 and the Master of Music in 1949. His primary mentor at Yale was Paul Hindemith. He studied at the University of Zurich in 1948. During the summers of 1949-1952 he attended Tanglewood Music Center, where he trained as a conductor with Robert Shaw, Leonard Bernstein and Boris Goldovsky. Blumenfeld was director of Opera Theater in St. Louis from 1962 to 1966. He directed Washington University Opera Studio from 1960 to 1971.


Seasons in hell: The lives of Arthur Rimbaud, ópera en dos actos (1994). Fragmento.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 10 Abr 2020 19:59 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Antonio Casimir Cartellieri (1772-1807) He was born in Danzig. His father, Antonio Maria Gaetano Cartellieri, was Italian, and his mother, Elisabeth Böhm, was Latvian. Both of his parents were opera singers and he received his earliest musical education from them. When he was 13, his parents divorced, at which time Cartellieri moved with his mother to Berlin. In that city he began studying music composition. In 1791, at the age of 18, Cartellieri became court composer and music director for Michał Kazimierz Ogiński in Poland. In 1793, he returned to Berlin with his employer where his first opera premiered successfully. He then went with the Count to Vienna, where he continued with further musical studies in music theory and composition under Johann Georg Albrechtsberger and possibly Antonio Salieri. On 29–30 March 1795, the première of his oratorio Gioas re di Giuda took place in Wiener Burgtheater. (In the interval, Beethoven played his piano concerto which became Beethoven’s debut as a composer.) In 1796, Cartellieri was engaged by Prince Joseph Franz Maximilian Lobkowicz (1772–1817) as the Kapellmeister, singing teacher, and violinist, roles he held until his death 11 years later. His other duties at court included directing operas and playing the violin in both concerts of chamber music and symphonic music. He notably performed in the world premières of several works by his friend Beethoven under the composer's baton, including the Eroica Symphony and the Triple Concerto on 23 January 1805. He died in Liebhausen (Libčeves), Bohemia at the age of 34.


Gioas re di Giuda, azione sacra en dos partes (1795). Aria de Matan. Aria de Atalia.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 19 Abr 2020 9:14 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Johann Christoph Graupner (1683-1760) Born in Hartmannsdorf near Kirchberg in Saxony, Graupner received his first musical instruction from his uncle, an organist named Nicolaus Kuester. Graupner went to the University of Leipzig where he studied law (as did many composers of the time) and then completed his musical studies with Johann Kuhnau, the cantor of the Thomasschule. In 1705 Graupner left Leipzig to play the harpsichord in the orchestra of the Hamburg Opera under the direction of Reinhard Keiser, alongside George Frideric Handel, then a young violinist. In addition to playing the harpsichord, Graupner composed six operas in Hamburg, some of them in collaboration with Keiser, a popular composer of operas in Germany. In 1709 Graupner accepted a post at the court of Hesse-Darmstadt and in 1711 became the court orchestra’s Hofkapellmeister (court chapel master). Graupner spent the rest of his career at the court in Hesse-Darmstadt, where his primary responsibilities were to provide music for the court chapel. He wrote music for nearly half a century, from 1709 to 1754, when he became blind. He died six years later.


Dido, Konigin von Carthago, Singspiel (1707). Acto 1, escena 1. Acto 3, escena 3.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 25 Abr 2020 19:45 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Dave Malloy (*1976) Malloy grew up in Lakewood, Ohio, and studied music composition and English literature at Ohio University. He has written several theatrical works, often based on classic works of literature. They include Moby-Dick, an adaptation of Herman Melville's classic novel; Octet, a chamber choir musical about internet addiction; Preludes, a musical fantasia set in the mind of romantic composer Sergei Rachmaninoff; Ghost Quartet, a song cycle about love, death, and whiskey; and the Tony Award winning Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812, an electropop opera based on War and Peace.


Octet, a chamber choir musical (2019). Candy.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 01 May 2020 15:45 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne or Moyne (1751-1796) Born in Eymet, Dordogne, he first worked as a musician in Berlin and Warsaw, where in 1775 he produced his first opera, Le bouquet de Colette, starring his pupil Antoinette de Saint-Huberty (née Clavel). He returned to France and wrote the tragic opera Électre, which received its premiere in 1782. Lemoyne claimed his music was following the example of Christoph Willibald Gluck, then the greatest influence on French opera, but when Électre failed, Gluck rejected any association with the younger composer. Lemoyne turned to Gluck's rivals, Niccolò Piccinni and Antonio Sacchini, as musical models for his next two tragedies, Phèdre (1786) and the Egyptian-set Nephté (1789), which had more success. His later operas are less important. He died in Paris.


Phèdre, tragédie lyrique en tres actos (1786). Del acto segundo: Air et duo, Le doux accent de la nature. Del acto tercero: Invocation, Neptune, seconde ma rage.



 Asunto: Re: La otra ópera
NotaPublicado: 09 May 2020 18:53 
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Registrado: 05 Oct 2005 20:42
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Richard Dünser (*1959) He was born in Bregenz, Austria. After finishing school and the conservatory he studied composition with Francis Burt at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. Having received his diploma, he took up post-graduate studies with Hans Werner Henze in Cologne and summer classes as a recipient of a composition scholarship in Tanglewood (USA) where he found valuable stimulation when he met Leonard Bernstein. Dünser has been awarded numerous scholarships and prizes (Appreciation Award of the Ministry of Education and Arts, Young Artist Scholarship of the Theodor Körner Foundation, Scholarship of the City of Vienna, Austrian State Scholarship for Composition, Young Artist Scholarship of the City of Vienna, Ernst Krenek Prize of the City of Vienna, among others) and has been commissioned to write numerous pieces (for instance by the Bregenzer Festspiele, Festival „styriarte“ Graz, Festival Steirischer Herbst, Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna, Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, among others).

Radek, ópera de cámara en un prólogo y doce escenas (2006). Escena tercera.



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